Thursday 13 November 2014

Memorable Trip! * Turkey*

Assalammualaikum .. 

I’m back! I just get back my mood to blogging.. awww… well…
I love blogging before, but I lost my password! Arghh like seriously
How can I forgot about something so important.. hurmm…
Never mind, now I have this new blog . hihi..
Ooohhhhh.. mum n dad just went back from Bangkok!
They love to travel and so do I. I like to encourage anyone to travel.
To see a different perspective, to gain experience and get new knowledge.
The best trip was turkey!
It was the most memorable holidays!
It’s safe to say I’m very much in love with Turkish food, architecture, Islamic heritage, landscape and the culture.
I’m so in love with the traditional mosques which you can see everywhere around Istanbul.
How I wish I can go Istanbul again!!!..InsyaAllah one day :P
Alhamdulillah . Allah S.W.T give me a chance to go there with my beloved mum and dad. Such a nice place! Hope one day I can be there again with my husband and kids. InsyaAllah ..


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